This timeline contains all information about Roald Dahl’s life, the books he wrote, and movies, television shows, and theater productions he was involved in. It continues past his death to the present day (since new Dahl works are still being released).
Harald marries Sofie
Harald Dahl (Roald’s father) marries Sofie Magdalene Hesselberg and they move to Llandaff, South Wales.
Roald Dahl born
September 13, 1916 – Roald Dahl is born in Llandaff, Wales.
Astri and Harald die
Sister Astri dies of appendicitis at the age of seven. A few months later Roald’s father Harald dies.
Llandaff Cathedral School
Roald enters Llandaff Cathedral School in Wales.
St. Peter’s School
Roald enters St. Peter’s School in Weston-super-Mare, England.
Repton School

Roald enters Repton Public School in Derby.
Roald graduates
Roald graduates from Repton and accepts a position with Shell Oil Company in London.
Roald heads to Africa
Roald begins working in Shell’s branch office in East Africa.
Roald joins the RAF

Roald joins the Royal Air Force and learns to fly fighter planes in Nairobi, Kenya.
Plane crash!
Roald suffers serious injuries as result of a plane crash in Libya. He spends several months in a military hospital in Alexandria, Egypt.
Battle of Athens
April 20, 1941 – Roald rejoins his squadron, then stationed in Greece, and participates in the Battle of Athens.
Roald heads to the U.S.
Invalided out of the War, Roald heads to the U.S. to take up a position as assistant air attaché at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C.
“Shot Down Over Libya”

August 1, 1942 – “Shot Down Over Libya” is published in The Saturday Evening Post.
“The Gremlins”
December 1942 – “The Gremlins” is published in Cosmopolitan magazine.
“The Sword”
August 1943 – “The Sword” is published in The Atlantic magazine.
Roald the writer
Dahl secures a literary agent, Ann Watkins, and short stories begin to be published in American magazines.
March 1944 – “Katina” is published in Ladies Home Journal magazine.
“Only This”
September 1944 – “Only This” is published in Ladies Home Journal magazine.
“Beware of the Dog”
October 1944 – “Beware of the Dog” is published in Harper’s Magazine.