Some Time Never

Sections: Information | Description | Reviews | Covers | Czech Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • Full title: Some Time Never: A Fable for Supermen
    • Note: This book is also referred to as Sometime Never in the UK.
  • First editions:
    • Charles Scribner & Son, 1948, USA.
      • To identify: Used the standard single statement with the usual ‘A’ below and published with a dust jacket priced at $2.75.
    • Collins, 1949, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement (copyright statement with date below, no later dates or printing statements indicated) and published with a dust jacket priced at 8s 6d.
  • Trivia:
    • Dahl’s rare first novel! No longer in print.
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From my Dahl Biography:

Some Time Never was published in the United States in 1948 by Scribner’s, and in England a year later by Collins. There’s no easy way to put this: the book was a total flop. It was almost an adult version of the Gremlins story, beginning with the Battle of Britain and continuing on to the end of the world. Despite its utter failure, the book is remarkable for being the first book about nuclear war to be published in the United States after Hiroshima.


  • “Survivors of World War IV” by Bergen Evans published in April 3, 1948 issue of The Saturday Review (read online


Czech Covers – Hon na lišku

My Uncle Oswald

Sections: Information | Description | ReviewsFun Stuff | Covers | Catalan, CzechFrench, GermanJapaneseRussian, and Slovenian Covers


Information on identifying editions is from Richard Walker’s “Roald Dahl – A Guide to Collecting His First Editions”.

  • First editions:
    • Michael Joseph, 1979, UK.
      • To identify: Used a standard single statement (‘First published’ followed by the date with later printings stated underneath) and published with a dust jacket priced at £5.50.
    • Knopf, 1980, USA.
      • To identify: Used a standard ‘First Edition’ statement and published with a dust jacket priced at $8.95.
  • Trivia:
    • Occasionally referred to as Dahl’s “first” novel (even by the author), despite Some Time Never‘s publication 30 years earlier.
  • Connections:
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The nameless narrator has revealed snippets of the lovable, lascivious Uncle Oswald’s life in other collections, but this is the only novel – brief though it is – dedicated solely to the diaries of “the greatest fornicator of all time.” Inspired by stories of the aphrodisiac powers of the Sudanese blister beetle, the palpable seductiveness of the lovely Yasmin Howcomely, and the scientific know-how of Professor A. R. Woresley, Uncle Oswald anticipates the concept of the Nobel sperm bank by some 40 years, flimflamming crowned heads, great artists, and eccentric geniuses into making “donations.” The life of a commercial sperm broker has a few surprises even for a sophisticated bon vivant, and Dahl manages his signature sting-in-the-tail ending even in one of his lightest comic works.


  • “Satire and Sensitivity” by Marion Halligan from the May 24, 1980 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)
  • “Offbeat biographies” by Lyn Frost from the March 1, 1981 issue of The Canberra Times – Canberra, Australia (read online)
  • “Crime and Passion” review column by Darcy O’Brien from the April 21, 1980 issue of New York Magazine (read online)

Fun Stuff

Tearsheet (Poster) by American illustrator Mel Odom
Tearsheet (Poster) by American illustrator Mel Odom


Catalan Covers – Oncle Oswald

Czech Covers – Můj strýček Oswald

French Covers – Mon oncle Oswald

German Covers – Onkel Oswald und der Sudankäfer

Japanese Covers – オズワルド叔父さん

Russian Covers – Мой дядюшка Освальд

Slovenian Covers – Moj striček Oswald