Quizzes & Surveys > The BFG Quiz The BFG Quiz Are you a true Dahl expert? Test your knowledge of giants, snozzcumbers, and Dream Country. Only the smartest human beans will score 100%! The BFG Quiz (Photo courtesy of OakleyOriginals.) 1. What time of night does Sophie first see the BFG? The Mysterious Moment The Witching Hour The Dead of Night The Creepy Hour None 2. What is the BFG's secret heart's desire? A high-tech dream factory To meet the Queen An elephant A garden of peachy fruits None 3. What kind of shoes did the BFG wear? Sandals with holes Leather boots He's barefoot Running shoes None 4. What is the only country that the people-eating Giants do not visit? Turkey Japan Wales Greece None 5. Where does Sophie hide from the Bloodbottler? In the BFG's pocket Inside the snozzcumber Behind a dream jar In the BFG's ear None 6. Which of these was NOT one of the people-eating giants? The Childchewer The Meatmasher The Butcher Boy The Manhugger None 7. What is the Fleshlumpeater's nightmare about? Loathsome snozzcumbers Jack the Giant Killer A Venomous Vindscreen Viper Eating "human beans" None 8. Who do Sophie and the BFG ask for help? Jack the Giant Killer The United Nations The Queen of England The President of the United States of America None 9. How are the Giants transported out of Giant Country? On enormous trucks The BFG carries them Dragged behind tanks Lifted by helicopter None 10. According to the story, who wrote the book you've "just finished reading"? Roald Dahl Sophie The Royal Biographer The BFG None Time's up